उत्तर प्रदेश माध्यमिक शिक्षा परिषद ( UP Board 10th Results 2024): यूपी बोर्ड ने हाईस्कूल की परीक्षा के नतीजे जारी कर दिए हैं. इस वर्ष 10वीं की परीक्षा 16 फरवरी से लेकर 03 मार्च तक हुई थी. नतीजे जारी होने के बाद छात्र ABP News के लिंक पर सबसे जल्दी यूपी बोर्ड 10वीं रिजल्ट ( ) देख सकते है.
UP Board High School Result 2024: The Uttar Pradesh Madhyamik Shiksha Parishad has set the dates for the 10th class examinations from February 16 to March 3 this year. More than 58 lakh students have applied to appear in the UP Board exams. Out of these, around 31.2 lakh students have registered for the high school or class X exams.
- 1 UP Board High School Result 2024: If you are not satisfied with your scores, fill the re-evaluation form and know the complete process here
- 2 Latest Update on UP Board 10th/12th Result 2024
- 3 How to check results using roll number?
- 4 UP Board High School Exam 2021 Date
- 5 When will the UP Board 10th and 12th results be announced?
- 6 UP Board High School Result: Answering all your questions
- 7 When will the UP Board Exam 2024 be held?
- 8 How to check the roll number for UP Board?
- 9 How to check the result of an internet exam?
- 10 When will the UP Board 2024 time table be released?
- 11 How to check the UP Board 2015 result?
UP Board High School Result 2024: If you are not satisfied with your scores, fill the re-evaluation form and know the complete process here
The UP Board High School result will be declared soon. After the announcement of the result, if students are not satisfied with their marks, they can apply for rechecking of their answer sheets.
UP Board Class 10th Result 2024 Re-evaluation Process: यूपी बोर्ड दसवीं के रिजल्ट आने के बाद छात्र अपना परिणाम upresults.nic.in और upmsp.edu.in पर देख सकते हैं. अगर रिजल्ट आने के बाद आप अपने अंकों से संतुष्ट नहीं हैं तो कॉपियों की दोबारा जांच के लिए आवेदन कर सकते हैं. इसके लिए आपको री-इवैल्युएशन फॉर्म भरने के साथ ही फीस भी जमा करनी होगी. तब आपकी कॉपियों का री-इवैल्युएशन होगा. आइये जानते हैं कैसे होता है यूपी बोर्ड दसवीं में री-इवैल्युएशन
री-इवैल्युएशन या स्क्रूटनी के लिए आवेदन करने के लिए कैंडिडेट्स को यूपी बोर्ड की आधिकारिक वेबसाइट से खास इस कार्य के लिए उपलब्ध फॉर्म डाउनलोड करना होगा. इस फॉर्म को भरें और जो भी फीस प्रति विषय मांगी जा रही हो, वह भी जमा करें. यहां यह बताना आवश्यक है कि स्टूडेंट एक से ज्यादा विषय का री-इवैल्युएशन करा सकते हैं. बस आप जितने विषय की स्क्रूटनी कराते हैं आपको सबकी अलग-अलग फीस देनी होती है. भरे हुए फॉर्म फीस की स्लिप के साथ रीजनल ऑफिस में डिप्टी सेक्रेटरी के पास पहुंचानी होती है. ऐसा रिजल्ट डिक्लेयर होने के तीस दिन के अंदर हो जाना चाहिए.
The fee for re-evaluation is Rs. 500. It is not yet known if there will be any changes in it this year. When filling out the re-evaluation form, candidates should keep in mind that they have to accept whatever marks they receive after the second copy check. Usually, there are no significant changes in marks after scrutiny, but if the marks decrease during re-evaluation, candidates have to accept them. Therefore, it is advised that if you feel that your exams went well but the result does not reflect it, then only apply for a second copy check. The result of re-evaluation is also declared online.
While filling out the re-evaluation form, candidates should keep in mind that they must accept whatever marks they receive after the second copy check. Usually, there are no significant changes in the marks after scrutiny, but if there is a decrease in marks during re-evaluation, candidates have to accept them. Therefore, it is advised that if you feel that your exams went well but the result does not reflect that, then only apply for a second copy check. The result of re-evaluation is also declared online.
The 10th board exam holds significant importance for students as it helps them make decisions about their future studies and career aspirations.
Latest Update on UP Board 10th/12th Result 2024
The announcement of the UP Board Class 10th result will be made through a press conference on 18 June 2022. Immediately after the declaration, the official website of the board and ABP News website will also make the results available.
To check the UP Board 10th result 2024, follow these steps:
1. Visit the official website of UP Board – upresults.nic.in.
3. Enter your roll number in the given space.
4. Your UP Board 10th result will appear on the screen.
5. Take a printout of the screen after viewing the result.
How to check results using roll number?
The Rajasthan Board of Secondary Education (RBSE) has released the live updates for the 10th result of 2023. The results can be checked on rajeduboard.rajasthan.gov.in and rajresults.nic.in websites. Additionally, the Hindustan website also provides an option to check the Rajasthan Board 10th Result. To check your result, enter your roll number in the given box below.
1. RBSE Rajasthan Board has announced the live updates for the 10th result of 2023.
2. The results are available on rajeduboard.rajasthan.gov.in and rajresults.nic.in websites.
3. The Hindustan website also allows checking of Rajasthan Board 10th Result.
4. Enter your roll number in the provided box to check your result.
UP Board High School Exam 2021 Date
Board Name, Exam Name, Start Date of Exam, End Date of Exam, Result Date:
– UP Board, 10th/12th, March 24th, 2022 – April 12th, 2022
– UP Board, 10th, April 24th ,2021 – May 10th ,2021
– UP Board ,10th ,February18 th ,2020 – March3 rd ,2020. Result date: June27 th ,2020.
– UP Board ,10 th,Feburary7 th2019 – February28 th2019 .Result date:April27 th2019.
– UP Board High School exam was held from March16 to April1 in the year2017 and result was declared on June9 .
– The examination for class X and XII conducted by Uttar Pradesh Madhyamik Shiksha Parishad started on February18 and ended on March19 in the year2016. The result was announced on May15 at1:30 PM.
– In the year2015,the examination for class X conducted by Uttar Pradesh Madhyamik Shiksha Parishad began on February19and concluded onMarch11.The result was announced at12:30 PMonMay17
When will the UP Board 10th and 12th results be announced?
The Uttar Pradesh Board 10th examinations were held from February 16, 2023 to March 3, 2023. Similarly, the Uttar Pradesh Board 12th examinations took place from February 16, 2023 to March 4, 2023. The results for these exams have now been announced on April 25. According to reports, more than fifty-eight lakh students appeared for the UP Board exams in the year of 2023.
Apart from studying hard, it is equally crucial for students to take care of their physical and mental well-being during this stressful period. Engaging in regular exercise or physical activities can help relieve stress and improve concentration levels. Taking short breaks between study sessions is also beneficial as it helps refresh the mind.
Lastly, maintaining a positive mindset throughout the preparation phase is essential. Believing in oneself and staying motivated even during challenging times plays a significant role in achieving success in board exams.
UP Board High School Result: Answering all your questions
ABP की साइट पर जो हाई स्कूल का रिजल्ट घोषित हुआ है, उसे कहाँ और कैसे देखा जा सकता है?
Students can check their UP Board Class 10th result on the ABP News website. To do so, they need to visit the up10.abplive.com page of ABP News and enter their roll number. This will allow students to directly view their results.
What is the complete process of applying for re-evaluation?
री-इवैल्युएशन या स्क्रूटनी के लिए आवेदन करने के लिए कैंडिडेट्स को यूपी बोर्ड की आधिकारिक वेबसाइट से खास इस कार्य के लिए उपलब्ध फॉर्म डाउनलोड करना होगा. इस फॉर्म को भरें और जो भी फीस प्रति विषय मांगी जा रही हो, वह भी जमा करें. यहां यह बताना आवश्यक है कि स्टूडेंट एक से ज्यादा विषय का री-इवैल्युएशन करा सकते हैं.
When can I apply for re-evaluation and what is the last date to apply?
री-इवैल्युएशन या स्क्रूटनी के लिए आवेदन करने के लिए कैंडिडेट्स को यूपी बोर्ड की आधिकारिक वेबसाइट से खास इस कार्य के लिए उपलब्ध फॉर्म डाउनलोड करना होगा. इस फॉर्म को भरें और जो भी फीस प्रति विषय मांगी जा रही हो, वह भी जमा करें. यहां यह बताना आवश्यक है कि स्टूडेंट एक से ज्यादा विषय का री-इवैल्युएशन करा सकते हैं. छात्र 22 जुलाई से पहले आवेदन करें उसके बाद मान्य नहीं होंगे.
What is the minimum score required in UP Board Class 10 to obtain a CGPA of 10?
In order to achieve a CGPA of 10 in the UP Board Class 10 exams, students must score between 91 and 100 marks.
UP Board का रिजल्ट चेक करने के लिए आपको बोर्ड की आधिकारिक वेबसाइट upresults.nic.in के साथ ही ABP न्यूज़ पर भी चेक कर पाएंगे. बोर्ड की आधकारिक साइट पर आपको HSC (Class 10th) Examination Results -2020 या HSSC (Class 12th) Examination Results -2020 पर क्लिक करना होगा. बोर्ड की साइट और ABP न्यूज़ दोनों जगह पर आप रोल नंबर और एप्लीकेशन नंबर फिल करने पर आप अपना रिजल्ट चेक कर पायेंगे.
When will the UP Board 10th class result be announced?
The UP Board has not yet provided any information regarding the date of the result. The process of checking copies has been completed, and now the announcement for the 10th class result by the Uttar Pradesh Board can be expected soon. Stay tuned to this page for updated information on the result date.
इस साल यूपी बोर्ड की मार्कशीट में क्या बदलाव किए गए हैं?
इस साल से यूपी बोर्ड की मार्कशीट में एक बार कोड दिया होगा, साथ ही डिजिटल सिग्नेचर भी होंगे. इसके साथ ही इस साल से स्टूडेंट और उसके पैरेंट्स का नाम भी मार्कशीट में हिंदी और इंग्लिश दोनों भाषाओं में दिया होगा.
यूपी बोर्ड में री-ईवैल्युएशन का क्या तरीका होता है?
If a student is not satisfied with their result, they can download the scrutiny form from the official website of the board. They will also need to pay a specified fee. After filling out the form, they should submit it to the Deputy Secretary at the regional office of the board. Remember that this process should be completed within thirty days of result declaration.
Students of class 10th and 12th who have failed in one or two subjects can appear for compartment exams. However, if they fail in more than two subjects, they are not eligible to take the compartment exams.
The exact date for the announcement of the UP Board High School result has not been declared yet, but usually, the compartment exams conducted by the UP Board are held in the month of July.
When was the UP Board 10th result declared last year?
To inform students, it should be mentioned that last year, in 2019, the UP Board 10th class result was declared on April 27, 2019. However, the Class 10 exams had concluded on February 28, 2019. Due to the spread of the coronavirus and nationwide lockdown this year, there is a delay in the announcement of UP Board exam results. It is expected that the results will be declared on June 27.
What will be required to check the UP Board 10th result?
To check the UP Board 10th result, students may need their roll number, date of birth, and school code. It is advised that students keep their admit cards safe so they can easily check the result as soon as it is declared.
Will it be possible to check the UP Board 10th result on ABP News website this year?
Yes, the UP Board 10th exam results of this year will also be available on the ABP News website. All students of class 10 can easily check their results on the board result section of ABP News. They just need to enter their roll number. As soon as they click on the submit button after entering their roll number, the result will appear on the screen.
When did the evaluation of UP Board 10th class answer sheets begin?
The evaluation of answer booklets for the 10th standard exams conducted by the Uttar Pradesh Board started on March 16, 2020 but was postponed to March 17 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The assessment of these answer booklets resumed on May 5 in green zones, May 12 in orange zones, and May 19 in red zones.
What is the status of the evaluation of UP Board 10th class answer sheets?
The evaluation of UP Board high school copies has been completed. The preparation for announcing the results is now in full swing. There are discussions in the media that the UP Board 10th class results may be declared on June 27th.
How many students appeared in the UP Board 10th examination this year?
इस साल (2020) उत्तर प्रदेश बोर्ड की 10वीं कक्षा के लिए कुल 30,24,632 छात्र – छात्राओं ने रजिस्ट्रेशन कराया था. यूपी बोर्ड की हाईस्कूल और इंटरमीडिएट की परीक्षा में कुल 5611072 विद्यार्थियों ने पंजीकरण कराया था. इसमें से कक्षा 10वीं और 12वीं की बोर्ड परीक्षाओं में करीब 5 लाख परीक्षार्थियों ने परीक्षा छोड़ दी थी.
When were the exams for class 10 of the Uttar Pradesh Board held?
The Uttar Pradesh Board 10th class examination started on February 18, 2020 and ended on March 3, 2020. Last year, the examination for class 10 was conducted between February 7, 2019 and February 28, 2019.
In what manner will the UP Board release the 10th class result? Will it be available offline or online?
The UP Board will release the 10th class result online, which can be checked through their official website. Students are advised to check their results online as they will not be announced offline or available for viewing elsewhere.
How many students passed the UP Board 10th exam in 2023?
इस साल यूपी बोर्ड 10वीं की परीक्षा में कुल 2982996 स्टूडेंट्स सम्मिलित हुए थे. इनमें लड़कों का पास प्रतिशत 67.36 रहा था. वहीँ छात्राओं के पास होने का प्रतिशत 78.44 फीसदी रहा था
How many students passed the UP Board 10th exam last year (2019)?
2019 में उत्तर प्रदेश बोर्ड 10वीं के रिजल्ट में 72.83 प्रतिशत छात्र-छात्राएं पास हुई थी. इस वर्ष 10वीं की परीक्षा में कुल 2982996 स्टूडेंट्स सम्मिलित हुए थे. इनमें लड़कों का पास प्रतिशत 67.36 रहा था.
The results of the UP Board 10th exams can be checked on the official websites of UP Board, upmsp.nic.in and upresults.nic.in. Additionally, they can also be checked on ABP News website.
2023 में यूपी बोर्ड 10वीं कक्षा को किसने टॉप किया था?
This year, Gautam Raghuvanshi from Kanpur has topped the UP Board 10th examination. He scored 583 out of 600 marks. Shivam secured the second position with 582 out of 600 marks. Tanuja Vishwakarma ranked third with a score of 581 out of 600 marks.
यू.पी. बोर्ड द्वारा रिजल्ट की सही जानकारी यू.पी. बोर्ड की आधिकारिक वेबसाइट upmsp.nic.in पर ही पब्लिश की जाएगी. अफवाहों से गुमराह होने से बचने के लिए, सभी छात्रों और अभिभावकों को सूचित किया जाता है कि वे केवल यू.पी. बोर्ड द्वारा आधिकारिक घोषणाओं पर भरोसा करें जो बोर्ड कि वेबसाइट upmsp.nic.in पर किए गए हैं। यू.पी. बोर्ड ने गलत खबर फैलाने वालों के खिलाफ सख्त कार्रवाई करने की चेतवानी दी है जिसके लिए बोर्ड लिखित सूचना भी जारी कर चुका है। छात्र केवल आधिकारिक वेबसाइट दी गई जानकारी पर ही भरोसा करें.
Be cautious of any misleading news regarding the result.
Some websites are spreading misleading news related to the 10th board exams, which can confuse and distress students. Therefore, students should be cautious of these fake news reports.
Is it necessary for me to pursue my 12th grade education from the UP Board if I have already completed my 10th grade from the same board?
It is not necessary at all. If you want, you can change your board. Just make sure to obtain your migration certificate, marksheet, and passing certificate from the school before leaving the school or board.
What time was the UP Board 10th result published and where can I check it?
The result of the UP Board 10th class examination, conducted by the Uttar Pradesh Madhyamik Shiksha Parishad (UP Board), has been declared around 12:30 pm on June 27. Students can check their results on the official website of the board as well as on up10.abplive.com.
I have forgotten my roll number and I am unable to find my admit card. How can I check my result now?
In this situation, you will need to seek assistance from your school. They will inform you of your roll number by checking their records with your name. Additionally, you can ask the student sitting in front or behind you for their class file and determine your roll number by adding or subtracting one digit at the end of theirs.
Check the UP Board 10th Result 2024 on upresults.nic.in and up10.abplive.com.
When will the UP Board Exam 2024 be held?
The Secretary of the UP Board, Divyakant Shukla, has shared some important information regarding the preparation for examination centers and the 10th and 12th exams. The UP Board exams will commence from February 22, 2024 (Thursday). It is crucial for students to be aware of these details in order to prepare effectively.
1. Examination Centers: Students should familiarize themselves with their assigned examination centers well in advance. This will help them plan their travel arrangements accordingly and ensure they reach the center on time without any last-minute confusion or delays.
2. Admit Cards: Admit cards are essential documents that allow students to appear for the board examinations. It is mandatory for every student to carry their admit card along with a valid photo ID proof on each exam day. Students must collect their admit cards from their respective schools or educational institutions before the commencement of exams.
4. Syllabus Coverage: To perform well in the board exams, it is crucial for students to have a clear understanding of the syllabus prescribed by the UP Board for each subject. They should focus on covering all topics thoroughly while preparing and allocate sufficient time for revision as well.
5. Time Management: Effective time management plays a vital role during exam preparation days. Students should create a study plan that allows them ample time to cover all subjects adequately without feeling overwhelmed or rushed at any point.
7. Exam Day Instructions: On the day of the exam, students should reach their respective examination centers well before the reporting time mentioned on their admit cards. They must strictly follow all instructions given by invigilators and avoid any malpractice or unfair means during the exams.
8. Result Declaration: After completing the board exams successfully, students eagerly await their results. The UP Board will announce the result date once all examinations are concluded and evaluation processes are completed. Students should regularly check official websites or news updates for information regarding result declaration.
How to check the roll number for UP Board?
P.S. It is important for students appearing in the UP Board examination to keep track of their roll numbers. The official website of UP Board provides a convenient way for students to find their roll numbers by name. Make sure to regularly check the website for updates and follow any instructions provided regarding accessing your roll number.
How to check the result of an internet exam?
Students who appeared for the Intermediate examination this year can check and download their results on the official website of UP Board, upmsp.edu.in. Additionally, students can also check their results on MY Result Plus website by Amar Ujala, which is known for providing fast result updates.
The Uttar Pradesh Madhyamik Shiksha Parishad (UPMSP) conducts the High School examinations in the state of Uttar Pradesh. This board is responsible for evaluating and announcing the results of students who have completed their 10th grade education. The UP Board High School Ka Result refers to the outcome or marks obtained by students in these examinations.
When will the UP Board 2024 time table be released?
The Uttar Pradesh Board examinations for Class 10 and Class 12 will commence on February 22, 2024, and conclude on March 9, 2024. The practical exams conducted by the UP Board will be held in two phases: Phase 1 from January 25 to February 1, 2024, and Phase 2 from February 2 to February 9,
The UP Board is responsible for conducting the high school (Class
and seeking assistance when needed to perform well in these essential exams.
How to check the UP Board 2015 result?
The results for the UP Board Intermediate Examination 2015 have been announced. You can check your 10th or 12th class result on upresults.nic.in and upmsp.nic.in.